For over 40 years we have been helping local businesses find local talent.
We take the time to understand your business to match the perfect employee.
Premier Staffing employs the most qualified candidates in the Central Valley.
Discover why 100's of companies have hired us to find their best employees.
Premier Staffing currently has over 700 employees on assignment in San Joaquin County, filling our client needs for clerical, light industrial, accounting, medical, bookkeeping, warehousing, administrative, and technical personnel. Our business has grown at a rate well above the national average. We attribute this growth to establishing close relationships with our clients so we can learn their needs and offer assistance in dealing with a variety of personnel issues.
From the start, before an employee was sent to us, they came out to our location to learn and understand our company, our industry, each position and what we would ask their employees to do. With an excellent understanding of all of this, they have staffed us with people who “fit” with the position we have requested.
Steve Hockett
Advanced Industrial Coatings
P: (209) 478-8500
F: (209) 952-9100
4521 Quail Lakes Drive,
Stockton, CA 95207